Monday, March 28, 2022

About Me


My name is Gabriela, I am a Third year BioHealth Science major. I hope to become a Physician's Assistant with my degree one day. I find that serving others and being there for them at some of the most memorable  times in their lives is what inspires me and what I want to do. I hope to one day work in family practice or potentially in the Emergency Department. Currently I am working as a Medical Assistant for a community clinic and I am loving every part of being there! Some of my hobbies include anything outdoors, I love to go on hikes, runs, and bike rides. I also enjoy playing guitar, listening to music, weightlifting, kickboxing, gymnastics, watching sunsets, baking, and I am wanting to get into hot yoga as well! 

I have never taken a communications course before, and I am excited to progress my knowledge and skills on how to communicate with others professionally and casually.

here are a few images of me on a beach and my dog!

Social Semiotics

Paragraph 1: Provide a basic introduction to the methodology. What is it? Who discovered it? Why is it important? Social semiotics basically...