Saturday, April 9, 2022

The Ups and Downs of Integration!

 In this post I will be discussing Knapp's relationship model step integration. I have been with my boyfriend for quite a while now. We first started the initiation step during freshman year of high school, we were in this step for quite awhile. Throughout high school we progressed through Knapp's model quickly until college came around and we decided to end things due to distance and the start of a new chapter for both of us. We still talked off and on throughout our first semester of college and we eventually decided to try and give long distance a try. During the end of our winter term, the COVID 19 pandemic hit and we found ourselves back in our hometown. After looking through Knapp's model I was shocked to find that things with my boyfriend did not start over at the initiation stage, as we both did so much personal growth throughout the time we were apart. During the pandemic things were so easy, and the integration stage came quickly. We are now doing long distance still!! And it is going as good as it can be, it is interesting looking at Knapp's model and comparing our relationship and how it has progressed through the stages, but it has also been not a smooth progression long distance definitely takes a tool on the integration stage for us and it is difficult to connect sometimes when we are far apart. Thanks for reading! If ya'll have any suggestions on how to make long distance relationships not suck so much please tell me!! Here is a pic of my and my man hope ya'll enjoy! 

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